IX The Hermit
This card has its energies related to the sign of Virgo
When the Hermit card appears in a reading, it can mean that we need to reflect on the situation. Sometimes you need to take some time and isolate yourself to better ponder and analyze an issue. This may be the message The Hermit brings: the need to pause and reflect. It announces that it may be time to step back and analyze, dive inside yourself in search of the answers you need at the moment.
Never think of the Hermit negatively. When it appears, remember that usually, the card shows the need to take time for yourself, to be able to think about life and dive inside, looking for the truth and the right answers that come from wisdom. If the reading is about relationships, for example, the card may suggest that for the moment it is best to step back and look at the situation from the outside - or stop for reflection.
The card indicates that this is not the time to act impulsively, but to spend time thinking about the things that are happening. It suggests that you need to develop your spirit through deep introspection, find your own light, and make your own path. Stand alone or only associate with those who are most aligned with your moment. Do not waste time and energy on people who are not in the same vibe as you.
A little more about the card The Hermit...
The Hermit is the ninth card of the Tarot, being associated with the sign of Virgo. In the card, we can see a lone figure holding a lantern as he seems to reflect on life. Virgo is a mutable, practical, servile, methodical and mental earth sign. Number 9, on the other hand, has some concepts linked to its nature, such as perfection, order and fulfillment.
In the card, we see the Hermit alone and holding a lantern, which lights his way. The end of this journey is the understanding and evolution necessary to obtain, manage and transmit a higher consciousness or opinion. In many depictions, he is on top of a mountain, which symbolizes accomplishment. He has reached the pinnacle of his spiritual growth and is ready to share his knowledge with others.
He holds a staff, which is an object that represents among other things the path of initiation, as well as power, authority and the ability to use his isolation and wisdom as tools to reach even greater levels of consciousness. If problems and situations seem bleak, he can always count on a light to guide him.
He is wearing a cloak that blends in with the background, which suggests his power to be invisible in the world, that is, to isolate himself whenever he needs to. Its knowledge is not for everyone, only for those who really dive inside in search of the truth, who seek to grow and evolve spiritually.
See the meaning of other cards of Major Arcana:
- 0 The Fool
- I The Magician
- II The High Priestess
- III The Empress
- IV The Emperor
- V The Hierophant
- VI The Lovers
- VII The Charriot
- VIII Strength
- IX The Hermit
- X The Wheel of Fortune
- XI Justice
- XII The Hanged Man
- XIII Death
- XIV Temperance
- XV The Devil
- XVI The Tower
- XVII The Star
- XVIII The Moon
- XIX The Sun
- XX Judgement
- XXI The World