The Suit of Pentacles in Tarot
The Matter. Represents the Element Earth.

I Ace of Pentacles

II Two of Pentacles

III Three of Pentacles

IV Four of Pentacles

V Five of Pentacles

VI Six of Pentacles

VII Seven of Pentacles

VIII Eight of Pentacles

IX Nine of Pentacles

X Ten of Pentacles

XI Page of Pentacles

XII Knight of Pentacles

XIII Queen of Pentacles

XIV King of Pentacles
About the suit of pentacles in the Tarot
The Pentacles cards in the Tarot cover the material aspects of life, including practicality, business, trade, property, goods, money and other resources. It also deals with the physical or external level of consciousness (such as the physical senses, for example) and thus reflects external situations such as our health, our finances, our work or our resources.
The suit of Pentacles is associated with the Earth Element. Its responses encourage us to better understand the real value of each thing, to take good care of our assets and to expand our horizons. In the Middle Ages, it was the suit associated with the bourgeoisie and merchants.
Although the suit of Pentacles does not at first relate to love or affection, the cards can indicate romance, a connection that brings financial security, involvement with someone who is trustworthy and on whom we can rely. They often indicate friends or someone who has financial power and is willing to lend a hand.
It has to do with what we do with our external environments - how we create, shape, transform and develop them. On a more esoteric level, they are associated with the Ego, self-esteem and the image we have of ourselves.
Most of them are positive cards, which usually indicate receiving money or act as a warning not to lose it in some situation. They can also indicate that we have resources, that we can count on help at the moment or that news is on the way, possibly related to material life (although not necessarily).
The positive meanings of Pentacles cards include the physical manifestation of things, discipline, achievement, efficiency, fulfillment and prosperity. Negative aspects include possessiveness, greed and indulgence. There can be an excess of materialism which compromises good financial management, as well as a focus on work to the detriment of other priorities in life.
To counteract the negative meanings, a return to nature is necessary to ground oneself and rediscover what is really important. In addition, there may be blockages to manifesting ideas and plans, resulting in a lack of success. The cards also show when a better definition of goals and planning is needed.
In a consultation, this suit can also indicate a path to wealth and success, indicating where you are most likely to do well and where things may be more challenging. If it's an emotional or family issue, it could be that money is influencing the course of events or plays a major role in the matter. In health consultations, they usually bring good news, but may point to the need for money in the matter.