The Suit of Cups in Tarot
The Emotions. Represents the Element Water.

I Ace of Cups

II Two of Cups

III Three of Cups

IV Four of Cups

V Five of Cups

VI Six of Cups

VII Seve of Cups

VIII Eight of Cups

IX Nine of Cups

X Ten of Cups

XI Page of Cups

XII Knight of Cups

XIII Queen of Cups

XIV King of Cups
About the suit of Cups in Tarot
The card of Cups in the Tarot deals with the emotional level of consciousness and is associated with love, feelings, relationships and connections, as well as all kinds of relationships that link us to others and the emotions we have to deal with within ourselves. This suit always has an affective meaning involved, even in material matters.
It can indicate that there are important feelings involved in the situation, connections that go beyond the practical and rational side. The cards show how we feel and how others feel about us - or about things connected to the issue in question.
The Cups cards generally have to do with the manifestation of emotions and the role they play in relation to others. In a consultation, they can suggest that we are using our hearts rather than reason and therefore reflect our more spontaneous responses. They are also linked to love, imagination and what we can acquire through art and culture.
In the Middle Ages, the suit of Cups symbolized the church, the clergy, the mystical, the sacred and the grace of God. In some decks, it is represented in the form of cups, like those used in the Church, also referring us to the image of the Holy Grail, the famous sacred chalice. It is also related to the Water Element, which, as in astrology, represents emotions, affections and relationships.
Empathy, intuition, creativity, inspiration, intuition, perception and absorption of what surrounds us are suggested positive aspects of the suit to be associated with a consultation. The negative aspects are a lack of creativity, excessive attachment, shyness, distrust and resentment - feelings that arise from repressed emotions. It also indicates an illusion about something.
When a card of Cups appears in a consultation, it indicates that an important emotional connection is involved. This may have to do with a relationship or anything else that is important in the person's life and to which they feel an emotional connection. It's something that has the potential to provoke specific, subjective feelings.
The cards can help identify and understand the emotions involved in a situation, indicating emotional issues or giving glimpses into how someone feels about you. It can also reveal fears, fantasies, daydreams and dreams, as this suit is deeply connected to our unconscious and the hidden nuances of our personality.