VI Six of Swords
The Six of Swords means a time of transition, which tends to be positive. This transition can be physical, emotional, or spiritual, depending on the situation. In the case of emotional baggage you still carry, the card suggests it is time to leave it behind and move on. Physical changes can be the end of a relationship, a change of home, a change of work, the outlook of the situation at hand, etc.
The card also indicates that any problem that may be occurring will be solved, or someone will stop bothering you. It might be a good time to apologize or forgive someone. Another important message is that you must learn from what you have been through in order to protect yourself from further hurt in the future. Although there is not much light in the card, it does bring peace and hope, but we must make a point of overcoming resentments and ending conflicts. Finally, the card can also indicate an unexpected trip.
A little more about Six of Swords...
In the Six of Swords, we see a couple with a child on a boat trip. They are leaving the past behind and the swords at the front of the boat protect them from what is to come. Swords can also symbolize the power of a rational mind over emotions, the heart, and intuition.
The woman’s head covered in a tunic shows grief for the losses she suffered during the journey. The water to the right of the boat is turbulent, but the water to the left, which is close to the land they are traveling to, is calm and stable.
While the Six of Swords speaks of change or loss and therefore brings a sense of detachment from something, there is also a sense of moving forward into a more promising future. The calm waters in the distance suggest that the woman and child are leaving problems and conflicts behind towards peace and tranquility, even though both are sad to let go of their pasts.