VII Seven of Pentacles
The Seven of Pentacles means that you should stop for a while and evaluate everything you have achieved so far before moving on. Assess the remaining obstacles or what prevents you from taking the next step towards your growth. If you have dedicated yourself to your goal and made the right decisions so far, your efforts will pay off.
In a relationship reading, the card may indicate a time, a necessary break, but it does not suggest the end of the relationship. It may further suggest that recently there may have been a period of estrangement and lack of communication.
A little more about Seven of Pentacles...
The Seven of Pentacles symbolizes the fruits we reap through our effort and hard work. In the card, we see a man contemplating the fruits of his labor. It seems that he worked hard to sow and plant, and now the fruits are flourishing. It seems that his dedication has paid off and he finally pauses to admire his work and the benefits of his efforts.
Thus, the card represents earnings, dedication, and work ethic. It also reflects our higher state of consciousness, which gives us a broader vision, focus, and perseverance to accomplish our goals. This is not a card of action but of review and reflection. It says it is time to step back and examine your progress so far before moving forward. You have everything to reap the fruits of your effort, but without losing focus on what really matters.
See the meaning of other cards of pentacles:
- I Ace of Pentacles
- II Two of Pentacles
- III Three of Pentacles
- IV Four of Pentacles
- V Five of Pentacles
- VI Six of Pentacles
- VII Seven of Pentacles
- VIII Eight of Pentacles
- IX Nine of Pentacles
- X Ten of Pentacles
- XI Page of Pentacles
- XII Knight of Pentacles
- XIII Queen of Pentacles
- XIV King of Pentacles