VIII Eight of Swords
The Eight of Swords signifies obstacles, suffering, or sadness. It could even be because of something less important or it could be that someone is making you suffer. In any case, the card does not bring good news, but rather a message that luck may not favor you at the moment. It is usually nothing that will change your life drastically, remember that you can overcome any situation.
A little more about Eight of Swords...
The Eight of Swords symbolizes something complicated that may or will happen. In the card, there is a woman blindfolded and tied up. Eight swords are stuck in the ground, surrounding her like a prison and representing obstacles. She cannot even see the challenges that are coming nor do anything to change or escape the events that are coming.
The woman’s feet do not touch the water, indicating that the feeling of restriction that the Eight of Swords brings is more in the mind than the emotional. There is a path open in front of her, representing a way out of the situation at hand, but she needs to break free and remove the blinders in order to see clearly and act correctly.