
Libra - Sign of Cardinal Air

The Sign of Libra in Astrology


Every year, the Sun in its movement in the celestial sphere, crosses the Earth's equator from the north. On this day, day and night are equal (equinox = equal nights) and temperatures are mild, neither cold nor hot, neither dry nor excessively humid.

For this reason, the image of a scale has often been used to represent one of the aspects of this time of year containing "a certain balance" of natural forces. It is the sector between degrees 180 and 210 of the ecliptic system.

Thus, Libra represents the Air (humid and warm principles) Cardinal (first month of a given season). In individual astrology studies, the sign means an effort to transcend a divided universe: it is the union between the "I" and other individuals, making possible the understanding, the pleasure, the advantages of relating with other people, whether in love, social or professional relationships.

In this context, a unique vibration is generated that makes the solitary "I" escape from its inner prison by recognizing and learning to interact with the other. At least as a possibility, we have in this component the idea of perceiving ourselves through the eyes of the other, even if this may seem like a threat to our individuality.

The first six signs of the zodiac seem to be related to fundamental and basic processes of existence. Aries (fight), Taurus (eat and keep), Gemini (recycle and exchange), Cancer (atavistic and family protection), Leo (individuation), and Virgo (work, routine, day to day).

The subsequent six (from Libra to Pisces) represent your outward focus on the world and humanity as a whole. These are the so-called social signs.

These signs are more about sophistication. Having gone through the most basic stages, we see how humanity can develop more complex values such as politics, social models, means of production, philosophy, science and metaphysics or spirituality (transcendence and origin of the self).


The sign of relationships

Libra is the sign that when it is ostensible in an astrological chart, shows an interest in interpersonal relationships in general, being the bridge between the individual and society. After the organization established by Virgo, Libra can represent very well the process that the Being goes through to analyze its conduct, exchanging experiences and knowledge, discovering how coordinated work and partnerships generate values impossible to emerge when only at the individual level, just like hydrogen, for example, which despite having individuality, does not generate water if it is not involved with oxygen.

One also comes to exist in the other when realizing what their interactions and partnerships can bring.

This awareness of identifying oneself through others generates a superior feeling of communion that is part of a slow evolutionary process.

One facet of love can be in the concept of discovering in the other what we don't know about ourselves, making a rich exchange through our relationships. For Libra, this pleasure of relating and uniting is even more special, bringing more fullness to the Being.

The Two Sides of Libra

The sign of Libra (or the emphasis on this component) carries a cooperative, impartial, sociable, diplomatic, democratic, harmonizing, and friendly energy. However, it may have to manage other aspects such as being dual, futile, apathetic, inconstant, and indecisive - the wise man becomes pedantic, the intellectual becomes fickle, and the peacemaker becomes indecisive and prefers not to commit, refraining from important decisions, if he has not delved into his self and dealt with his potentials.


Balancing and managing Libra characteristics brings tolerance, devotion, solidarity, and fairness. It means being open to the ideas of others and learning to identify the information needed to make the right decision. Situated in opposition to Aries, Libra seeks balance, harmony, and companionship, as opposed to the values of individuality, the struggle for hegemony, and leadership in relationships, characteristics of its opposite sign, Aries.

Libra is the socialization of Being and a nature that inspires a good sense of justice. It is the scale that balances and politicizes.

Libra in the Birth Chart

Libra in the Birth Chart

Even those who don't have the Sun in Libra, or another planet in this sign, know that it is in everyone's birth chart. It may not be in planetary placement, but it is there in some House, which represents the area of life in which you manifest the Librian characteristics.

To you, Libra, I bestow the honor of serving. And that you may teach men their duties to themselves and to others, and that you may learn also the art of cooperation, as well as the ability to reflect the other side of things, I will take you wherever there is discord. And for your efforts, Libra, I will grant you the Gift of Balance. And Libra returned to her seat.

Characteristics of Libra:

Element: Air
Quality: Cardinal
Solar period: +/- from 24/09 to 23/10
Ruling planet: Venus
Natural of House 7
Principle: Active | Male | Yang
Keyword: Harmony
Key phrase: I balance
Glyfo: Scales
Opposite sign: Aries
Anatomy: Kidneys, ureter, bladder, veins, skin, endocrine system, lower back (lumbar), adrenal glands.

People with sun in Libra

What Astrology says about Libra.

Librans are very, (sometimes even extremely), sociable. Only very rarely will you find an antisocial Libra. As they like and value human interaction a lot, it can be difficult for them to be alone, as they feel they need to share their experiences with someone.

When single, there is a tendency to fall in love suddenly or to be constantly flirting because of this more sociable nature. Thus, they can often live together with someone all of a sudden or in a hurry, without thinking, which can make the relationship difficult, since there is no basis or time for it to form or become sustainable. Marriage, togetherness and development in relationships are important for this first of the social signs, where in relationships they tend to return what is given to them, fruit of the cooperative, political and friendly energy of this sign.

Some Libras may seem colder or unable to make more direct and quick decisions. However, this is not the case for those who have already achieved a higher level of consciousness. Scales are the astrological symbol of Libra and Libras always need both balance and thought. Generally, they want to be appreciated by everyone, so many try to do everything for it. They tend to see themselves through other people's eyes, so if they are around negative people, they may even have a negative view of themselves, which means it is especially important for them to have good and reliable friends and acquaintances.

They may also have a certain fear that if they speak exactly what is on their mind, the other person may thus not like it. Therefore, learning to express their needs and desires directly is of fundamental importance to them. This desire to please everyone can cause them to be harmed in some situations, as they have some difficulty in saying no. Throughout life, they need to learn to take a position in a more direct and agile way, taking a little less into account the need to be loved by people.

Maintaining balance and harmony can be so important for Libras that, when trying to balance a situation, they can even nullify themselves instead of directly addressing the imbalance factor, which can be quite harmful in relationships.

It can also be more difficult for Libras to remain emotionally stable if there is discord around them, so they may want peace at any price. Since they have the inherent ability to understand both sides of a situation, they often do not like to take sides, remaining impartial in an argument. As both sides always seem reasonable, they need friends who are good and impartial, with whom they can talk to make things clearer. Once they can see problems as a whole, they give practical and fair advice.

Do you want to know how this information affects your life?

Indecision, in fact, can be one of the most difficult characteristics for Libras to overcome. If they wait too long to make a decision, they can miss out on excellent opportunities. Because of this, it is sometimes quite easy for others to influence their opinion. Someone with a stronger personality can influence an easy-going Libra, up to the point where the latter is unable to make a move without consulting such an expert. They need to learn to think more for themselves and to defend their own beliefs and principles.

Despite their possible reluctance to face confrontations, people with the Sun in Libra (or with a strong Libra element in their chart) tend to have greater willpower, due to their cardinal (i.e. ambitious) nature. When they decide on a goal, they always find a way to succeed, usually using their intelligence (and charm). They tend to get what they want with a certain controlled subtlety: they seem subtle, but they always have a determined and fierce goal in mind. Their gentler exterior can mask an indomitable personality.

However, when this tactic does not work, Libras can move out of their standard characteristics and become more determined to resolve the issue once and for all. This change in attitude usually takes effect, as it catches others off guard and allows them to take control. But if they are sure they will not get what they want, no matter what they do, they will not hesitate to move away from a situation without giving further explanation.

How to become a better Libra?

  • Do not be so indecisive;
  • Learn to say no when you need to;
  • Be wise without being pedantic;
  • Do not manipulate people;
  • Do not over-idealize the other person in your relationships.

Homens de Libra

What to expect from Libra men?

Libras do not usually endure loneliness and they know how to choose the right words to convince those in need, be it on the emotional level or at work. This makes them popular in any circle, but it can also turn them into people looking for multiple relationships, as they may have difficulty being alone. They tend to be liberal and tolerant, understanding that imperfection is something natural in human beings. However, if they find the right partner, they tend to settle down, because, in fact, they seek companionship, harmony and balance. Librans can be great companions, as they can put their egos aside more easily and see things from the point of view of other people. In a stable relationship, they generally become loyal and loving, often leaving their own interests on the backburner.

They are even able to act against their will just to please their partner, without really saying what they feel or what they want. Librans usually hate confrontations or fights that can interfere with the harmony and balance of their life, household or relationship. As a result, they make a great effort to prevent this from happening. They may seem weak, but the tendency is for them to make concessions so as not to be dragged into discussions. This conciliatory and diplomatic nature tends to be an integral part of people with the Sun in Libra.

Mulheres de Libra

What to expect from Libra women?

Libras tend to be diplomatic, charming and sociable, constantly seeking harmony and balance in their lives. Their behavior in general is smooth, as is their manner of talking to people. They tend to look for someone to share their feelings and, like all Libras, it can be difficult for them to be alone. They may feel the need to have someone by their side, even if they are competent and self-sufficient at work.

Some Libra women may show a fragile and dependent side, but they do so to help set an elaborate love trap. After a person falls into it, they can be persuaded to carry out their Libra partner’s whims and wills. Libra's persuasive power can make someone change teams, religions and even cities. Perhaps there is no other energy so effective in persuading, although they generally do not allow such persuasion to affect them. In fact, the person who relates to a Libra woman probably does not even notice that she is really the one who makes the decisions. He may even die thinking that he decided everything, when in truth the Libra is the one who steered the boat.

Eternally in love, she can have several relationships before settling down, because she does not usually enjoy being alone. In fact, she is looking for her balance, for an ideal relationship, so she tends to idealize her partner too. When you love someone, you tend to do everything for them. As she has a well-developed sense of loyalty, she also wants her partners to be faithful, loyal and to repay all the effort she invests in them. And that return is worth it!

The other stars when positioned in Libra

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The sky now...

Friday February 21, 2025 | 02:11 PM
Sun 03° 11' Pis
Last Quarter
12° 48' Sag
see lunar cycle
Mercury 13° 07' Pis
Venus 09° 28' Ari
Mars 17° 03' Can R
Jupiter 11° 46' Gem
Saturn 19° 47' Pis
Uranus 23° 28' Tau
Neptune 28° 37' Pis
Pluto 02° 40' Aqu
Chiron 20° 16' Ari
Lilith 26° 17' Lib
North Node 27° 40' Pis R
Active aspectsorb
NeptuneConjunctionNorth Node0.95
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Pisces    8.95%
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Arian    8.80%
Gemini    8.64%
Taurus    8.57%
Aquarius    8.29%
Leo    8.24%
Virgo    8.23%
Scorpio    8.07%
Libra    7.92%
Capricorn    7.87%
Sagittarius    7.58%