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Pluto in
Scorpio in the BirthChart
Pluto was in Scorpio between 1738 and 1749 and 1984 and 1995, carrying out deep transformations of the collective unconscious and alterations in power relations. Pluto is the co-ruler of Scorpio and has an irregular orbit.
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It's interesting how the concept of generation we have used all through the 20th century has some parallels with Pluto's positionings. People born in generations where Pluto has already reached a different sign could have distinct challenges, inner possibilities, concepts of power and ways to deal with societal changes and transitions compared to others.
Latest periods of Pluto in Scorpio: 1738 to 1749 | 1984 to 1995
Inspires profound transformations in the collective unconsciousness and drastic changes in power relations.
If you were born during this period or are closely related to others who share this positioning, you could easily recognize and digest the information below.
Pluto is Scorpio's co-ruler and has an irregular orbit, representing regeneration, spiritual inclination and aspects of power. It is considered Mars' third center of power. It tends to generate profound and decisive transformations in different levels during the periods it transits through Scorpio. Over the last period, still in the 1980s, it caused some global turbulence, where the fall of the Berlin Wall can be considered an important example. The global financial system also needed to be reorganized during a massive global GDP crisis.
These are times when power is shaken, and those who hold on to it face changes beyond their control. It is equally a time when things that used to be hidden come to light.
People with Pluto in Scorpio have the potential to be trustworthy researchers of the human mind and the depths of our inner world, being able to ask questions such as "What is my purpose here?" from a very young age. Besides, people from previous generations may think they are more problematic or complex to deal with generation.
Emotionally intense, they are intrigued by the mystery of things and will transform the world, envisaging a release from superficiality. Many grow up consuming Harry Potter books and movies and tend to be interested in the occult. A generation deeply connected with conspiracy theories, under the rule of Pluto (Hades), God of the Underworld and all that's hidden.
This generation has a relatively heavier astrological charge, as when Pluto last transited through Scorpio, many of its natives also shared Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn. In 1993, Uranus and Neptune were precisely 18 and 19 degrees from Capricorn, forming a superconjunction with these important transpersonal planets, making this one of the most transformative generations of late on a social level. These people have new plans for the Earth, such as reforming hierarchies. Those born between 1989 and 1990 have Pluto in Scorpio, as well as Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune in Capricorn, a force to be reckoned with.
Parents try to tell them what's best. Still, if that doesn't seem correct or valid in their eyes, rebellion is almost inevitable. These people are more prone to wish to find a middle ground where both interests are met, not only fulfilling their parent's demands. This will likely need to be done on their own terms, as their intuition towards what is more valid can be prioritized, whatever the hierarchic or familiar bond.
It's as if they are able to recognize good intentions. Still, they also want their own choices to be understood and (respected) as well, since they are directly connected to their sense of personal power and purpose.
A good line of questioning for those from this generation is to imagine themselves in a world with no restrictions, where they can do whatever they want, without financial or other limitations. The idea is to blend the act of doing as they please while simultaneously contributing to human evolution as a whole in an altruistic way.
Birth Chart Interactions
On a personal level, many natives with Pluto in Scorpio usually want many things to be under their domain and have the potential to hide information away. There's a greater tendency to occasionally want to have control and the advantage, going as far as acting manipulative to achieve that, especially if they need other people to agree with their ideas or points of view. This also depends on possible aspects formed with Pluto in their birth charts. A piece of good advice would be not to let themselves succumb to the temptation to use their personal magnetism and sexual energy for their benefit, also avoiding obsessions or emotional manipulation in relationships.
Those born under this positioning tend to learn how to solve their problems alone from a young age, usually finding creative and ingenious solutions to do so. Many will say this latest Pluto-Scorpio generation spent their whole time playing video games or surfing the Internet. Still, somehow, along the way, magic happens. Suddenly, consciousness awakens, and there's no going back: Personal power is acknowledged, and everything starts to make more sense in life.
Their reaction to offenses is also more intense than the offense itself. They are also more prone to nurture darker thoughts and a more pessimistic view of life, even if latently. There's a need to change the world built into this generation, with a particular desire to improve it. Some will be called "old souls" at some point in their lives, and they go through existential crises while still very young. Although it can be complicated to see themselves or a family member go through these situations, these are moments that, if seized, can be magical and transcendent. In fact, all those who go through an existential crisis will come out of it with a new and renewed consciousness, which is suitable for humanity's development as a whole.
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