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Chiron in
Aquarius in the BirthChart
It can indicate feelings of inadequacy and social rejection. Aquarius brings the desire for freedom, originality and the good of the collective. Chiron in Aquarius can undermine such things in the individual causing him eventually to feel uncomfortable
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Chiron in Aquarius can indicate wounds in collective concepts, freedom or individual originality. Aquarius’s energy is attuned to what’s unique, impersonal and original. It’s akin to a higher self with an incredible humanitarian view. People with this positioning in their birth charts can find it hard to fit into groups or feel wounded by others because of the way they express themselves.
It can indicate feelings of inadequacy and social rejection. Aquarius brings a desire for freedom, originality and collective welfare. This positioning can undermine more individual aspects, making people uncomfortable when dealing with people, groups and tribes, making them feel disconnected or isolated. Social rejection can make people with this positioning distance themselves from others and connect only with those who share their common interests.
However, they tend to have a natural talent for helping others express themselves. They must learn to be themselves and appreciate their differences to find the path to healing. This could be a harsh lesson, as some of them aren’t too comfortable in their skins. Participating in groups encouraging individual expression can help them recover their sense of freedom and originality.
Aquarius knows everyone needs friends. It becomes harder to trust and make friends if they have been hurt in social or group situations. This is why they must try to belong and seek friendships to end this uneasiness. They can have a natural talent to help their community due to Aquarius’ humanitarianism.
They can also help others not be ashamed of their differences, using their wisdom and experiences in the process. Maybe they want to be different, but they need to be sure this is what they wish to do or if it is just a reaction against conventional thinking. They should care less about what others think and follow their course, even if unconventional. Their greatest allies in solving these issues are logic, communication and information.
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