Jeon Jungkook
1º decan of the Virgem sign with ascendant in Capricórnio and the moon in Virgem
Check your Astrological Compatibility with Jeon Jungkook!

Jeon Jungkook

Singer and Songwriter

Birth: Setembro 01, 1997

Age: 27 years old

Busan, South Korea

Unverified birth data.

Birth Chart Summary

Jungkook, a member of BTS, is one of the brightest stars in global music, known for his impeccable vocal skills and magnetic stage presence. With his multifaceted talent, he has won millions of fans worldwide, forming a deep connection with the ARMY. His flawless performances and dedication to his craft make him one of the greatest icons of contemporary music.

With the Sun in Virgo, Jungkook displays a focused, disciplined, and perfectionist personality—qualities that are evident in his constant dedication to improving his skills. Virgos are known for their attention to detail and pursuit of excellence, and Jungkook applies these traits to his music, performances, and relationship with his fans.

The Ascendant in Capricorn adds a layer of seriousness and responsibility to his personality. Capricorns are known for their determination and ambition, and this energy is reflected in his drive to always achieve the best in his career, especially as a member of BTS. The combination of Virgo and Capricorn also makes him a highly organized artist committed to his responsibilities.

The Moon in Virgo brings a strong need for perfection and emotional stability. This combination makes Jungkook an introspective person who is demanding of himself, always striving to improve and evolve, both in his personal life and career.

With his military service in the South Korean army, Jungkook faces new challenges but with the same determination he has always shown. Want to understand more about the astrological influences shaping Jungkook’s success? Explore his full birth chart and discover how these energies impact his journey!

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