Harry Styles
2º decan of the Aquário sign with ascendant in Libra and the moon in Libra
Check your Astrological Compatibility with Harry Styles!

Harry Styles

Singer and Songwriter

Birth: Fevereiro 01, 1994

Age: 31 years old

Redditch, Worcestershire, England

Unverified birth data.

Birth Chart Summary

Harry Styles, a British artist who rose to fame with the band One Direction, has captivated the world with his versatility and unique style in his solo career.

Hits like "Harry Styles - As It Was" are examples of his ability to combine innovation and emotional depth.

His Sun in Aquarius gives him innovative creativity and a free spirit that challenges norms, which is reflected both in his music and his bold fashion choices.

The Moon in Libra reveals his constant search for harmony and connection, giving him a refined aesthetic sense, evident in Harry Styles' music and artistic choices.

With his Ascendant in Libra, he stands out for his ability to relate and communicate, making him even more captivating to the public.

Harry impresses with his multifaceted talent, showing how his birth chart enriches his unique personality.

Learn how the stars have shaped Harry Styles' success by exploring his full birth chart!

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