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Void of Course Moon in 2025

Check out the complete table of Void of Course Moon in 2025

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See the complete table of the Void of Course Moon in 2025. Knowing the dates on which the Moon will be Void of Course in 2025 can be an excellent way to plan your daily activities, avoid setbacks and make the most of this phenomenon's moments of introspection.

According to some astrologers, the Void of Course Moon represents a period in which routine can become unpredictable, suggesting that this phase is not ideal for starting new projects or making important decisions.

These moments are considered unstable, and often, what is started during this period may not follow the expected course. The feeling is that time takes on a different quality, where what generally flows quickly may encounter obstacles or not progress as desired.

This guide explores how to prepare for the Void of Course Moon periods in 2025, using these cosmic pauses as opportunities to reflect, regroup, and nurture yourself.

Unraveling the concept of the Void of Course Moon

The Void of Course Moon, or Void Moon, is an astrological term for a period in which the Moon does not make significant aspects with other planets before entering a new sign. This leaves its energetic effect more dispersed and less focused.

Although still a debate among astrologers, this concept suggests that during these intervals, the Moon loses part of its direct influence on us, making situations more difficult to predict.

To visualize it better, imagine the Moon as the moonlike traveler who constantly interacts with other stars as she moves through the Zodiac, creating a web of influences that shapes the moment's energy. When the Moon is out of course, it is as if this traveler temporarily stops making these connections, creating a space where certainties dissipate, and the unexpected can prevail.

Historically, many have believed that actions taken during the Void of Course Moon may not produce the desired results or may even be completely ineffective. However, modern perspectives suggest that while these periods can bring challenges, they can also be prosperous times for introspection, internal adjustments, and self-care.

In Astrology, the Moon is a powerful symbol of our emotions and intuitions. People's experiences of the Void of Course Moon can vary depending on their birth chart and how astrological energies affect their inner world.

So the next time the Moon is Void of Course, consider using this phase to slow down, review plans, and connect with yourself on a deeper level, rather than worrying about what could go wrong.

Discover where the Moon is in your Birth Chart

Void of Course Moon Chart 2025

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the Void of Course Moon and how it can influence your routine, check out the complete table with the dates and times of the Void of Course Moon in 2025.

These moments can be used to better plan your activities and avoid starting essential projects during more significant uncertainty. It is worth remembering that all times are adjusted to the UTM time zone. If you are in another region, don't forget to adapt the times according to the time difference.

Void of Course Moon in January 2025

01/01: from 06:01 to 10:50
01/03: from 04:12 to 15:21
01/05: from 14:29 to 19:01
01/07: from 21:15 to 22:12
01/09: from 22:49 to 01:07
01/11: from 00:03 to 04:24 01/12
01/14: from 04:45 to 09:12
01/16: from 04:09 to 16:46
01/18: from 02:00 to 03:33 01/19
01/21: from 04:33 to 16:20
01/23: from 00:03 to 04:29 01/24
01/26: from 09:39 to 13:43
01/28: from 15:48 to 19:32
01/30: from 11:28 to 22:53

Void of Course Moon in February 2025

02/01: from 22:05 to 01:10
02/03: from 10:19 to 03:34 02/04
02/06: from 03:29 to 06:44
02/08: from 07:51 to 11:04
02/10: from 13:49 to 17:01
02/12: from 19:11 to 01:07
02/15: from 08:35 to 11:45
02/17: from 23:23 to 00:19
02/20: from 10:05 to 12:55
02/22: from 20:38 to 23:09
02/25: from 03:28 to 05:40
02/26: from 22:04 to 08:47 on 02/27

Void of Course Moon in March 2025

03/01: from 08:05 to 09:52
03/02: from 13:51 to 10:37 on 03/03
03/05: from 10:53 to 12:30
03/07: from 14:56 to 16:29
03/09: from 21:31 to 22:59
03/11: from 20:15 to 07:56 on 03/12
03/14: from 17:47 to 18:59
03/16: from 09:52 to 07:31 on 03/17
03/19: from 19:27 to 20:17
03/22: from 06:52 to 07:29
03/24: from 15:00 to 15:25
03/26: from 10:14 to 19:32
03/28: from 20:29 to 20:36
03/30: from 09:17 to 20:16

Void of Course Moon in April 2025

04/01: from 17:42 to 20:26
04/03: from 18:26 to 22:50
04/05: from 22:54 to 04:34 on 04/06
04/08: from 04:07 to 13:40
04/10: from 19:48 to 01:12 on 04/11
04/13: from 10:00 to 13:54
04/15: from 02:23 to 02:37
04/18: from 11:37 to 14:12
04/20: from 17:20 to 23:22
04/22: from 21:55 to 05:07 on 04/23
04/24: from 02:57 to 07:24 on 04/25
04/26: from 16:17 to 07:17 on 04/27
04/29: from 05:17 to 06:35

Void of Course Moon in May 2025

05/01: from 03:48 to 07:23
05/03: from 08:01 to 11:29
05/05: from 13:03 to 19:40
05/08: from 04:10 to 07:07
05/10: from 06:17 to 19:59
05/13: from 06:36 to 08:35
05/15: from 18:28 to 19:58
05/18: from 04:26 to 05:30
05/20: from 11:58 to 12:29
05/22: from 16:06 to 16:26
05/24: from 11:43 to 17:38
05/26: from 13:51 to 17:22
05/28: from 13:00 to 18:33
05/30: from 16:50 to 20:17

Want to know how the Void of Course Moon influences your life? Ask Orbia!

Void of Course Moon in June 2025

06/01: from 23:37 to 03:00 on 06/02
06/04: from 11:11 to 13:39
06/06: from 01:04 to 02:23
06/09: from 12:06 to 14:56
06/11: from 19:57 to 01:55 on 06/12
06/14: from 08:51 to 11:00
06/16: from 17:30 to 18:09
06/18: from 21:33 to 23:08
06/20: from 01:49 to 01:53
06/22: from 01:50 to 02:57
06/23: from 08:25 to 03:44 on 06/25
06/27: from 05:15 to 06:06
06/29: from 11:02 to 11:44

Void of Course Moon in July 2025

07/01: from 20:46 to 21:17
07/02: from 19:29 to 09:33 on 07/04
07/06: from 22:03 to 22:06
07/07: from 21:29 to 08:55 on 07/09
07/10: from 20:36 to 17:21 on 07/11
07/12: from 19:44 to 23:45
07/15: from 17:09 to 04:33 on 07/16
07/17: from 00:37 to 07:59 on 07/18
07/20: from 06:43 to 10:22
07/21: from 19:51 to 12:26 on 07/22
07/23: from 00:41 to 15:29 on 07/24
07/26: from 11:01 to 20:56
07/28: from 00:56 to 05:43 on 07/29
07/30: from 03:58 to 17:25

Void of Course Moon in August 2025

08/02: from 01:06 to 06:01
08/05: from 15:28 to 17:04
08/06: from 17:39 to 01:18 on 08/07
08/09: from 07:54 to 06:50 on 08/10
08/11: from 06:54 to 10:33
08/13: from 22:53 to 13:22 on 08/14
08/16: from 05:11 to 16:01
08/18: from 11:52 to 19:05
08/20: from 12:26 to 23:17
08/21: from 18:13 to 05:24 on 08/23
08/25: from 13:53 to 14:08
08/26: from 02:06 to 01:27 on 08/27
08/29: from 00:46 to 14:05

Void of Course Moon in September 2025

09/01: from 01:38 to 01:45
09/04: from 10:07 to 10:32
09/05: from 20:51 to 15:55 on 09/06
09/08: from 17:43 to 18:37
09/10: from 06:53 to 20:04
09/12: from 20:13 to 21:39
09/14: from 22:46 to 00:30 on 09/15
09/17: from 03:13 to 05:20
09/19: from 12:21 to 12:23
09/21: from 19:53 to 21:41
09/23: from 16:01 to 09:01 on 09/24
09/26: from 17:43 to 21:37
09/29: from 05:43 to 09:55

Void of Course Moon in October 2025

10/01: from 15:33 to 19:52
10/03: from 18:14 to 02:07 on 10/04
10/05: from 00:29 to 04:48 on 10/06
10/07: from 18:23 to 05:13 on 10/08
10/09: from 00:30 to 05:12
10/11: from 02:55 to 06:37
10/14: from 05:04 to 10:47
10/16: from 05:05 to 18:06
10/18: from 21:10 to 04:02 on 10/19
10/21: from 12:24 to 15:42
10/24: from 04:13 to 04:19
10/26: from 04:41 to 04:53
10/29: from 03:37 to 03:56
10/31: from 06:14 to 13:46

Void of Course Moon in November 2025

11/02: from 15:15 to 15:40
11/04: from 11:21 to 16:16
11/06: from 14:50 to 15:21
11/08: from 14:31 to 15:06
11/10: from 17:22 to 17:34
11/12: from 23:29 to 23:52
11/15: from 09:08 to 09:44
11/17: from 11:50 to 21:45
11/20: from 09:24 to 10:26
11/22: from 21:47 to 22:53
11/25: from 09:09 to 10:16
11/27: from 17:52 to 19:24
11/29: from 00:04 to 01:07

Void of Course Moon in December 2025

12/01: from 18:14 to 03:13 on 12/02
12/03: from 01:49 to 02:48
12/05: from 00:54 to 01:54
12/07: from 01:44 to 02:48
12/10: from 04:56 to 07:20
12/12: from 14:50 to 16:04
12/15: from 03:35 to 03:51
12/17: from 15:23 to 16:39
12/20: from 03:40 to 04:53
12/22: from 14:43 to 15:52
12/24: from 21:41 to 01:09 on 12/25
12/27: from 07:03 to 08:02
12/28: from 02:12 to 11:58 on 12/29
12/31: from 12:24 to 13:13

How can you take advantage of the Void of Course Moon?

During the Void of Course Moon periods, the question arises: how can we navigate these uncertain times? The key is to adopt a balanced and caring approach to yourself. Here are some suggestions for making the most of the Void of Course Moon in 2025:

Allow yourself to slow down

The Void of Course Moon can bring a feeling of sluggishness or lack of clarity. Instead of fighting this energy, allow yourself to rest and recharge your batteries. Accept that this is a time to save yourself and not to demand maximum productivity.

Opt for light tasks

If activities need to be done, focus on tasks that don't require much mental effort or concentration. Avoid starting complex projects or making crucial decisions during this time. Instead, focus on simple routines and activities that you already know how to do.

Practice self-compassion

During the Void of Course Moon, you may feel slightly out of sync with your goals and expectations. It's important to be kind to yourself during these times, recognizing that having less productive days is okay. Treat yourself with understanding and kindness.

Cultivate introspection

Use this time to connect with your inner self through meditation, yoga, or simply contemplating your thoughts. Moments of introspection can bring clarity and peace, helping to align your emotions and energies.

Strengthen emotional bonds

Spending time with loved ones or pets can be comforting and bring a sense of emotional stability. These moments of affectionate connection can be a balm during the Void of Course Moon.

Navigating the Void of Course Moon in 2025 may be easier if you embrace the slower pace it suggests, taking the time to reflect and recharge rather than forcing significant breakthroughs.

What can you avoid during the Void of Course Moon in 2025?

Just as there are best practices for these periods, some activities are prudent to avoid during the Void of Course Moon to minimize the challenges this phase may bring. Here are some precautions to consider:

Avoid scheduling important events

During the Void of Course Moon, try not to schedule significant appointments or important meetings. This period's unpredictability can lead to miscommunication or unexpected events that make it difficult to achieve goals. Postpone these events until the Moon is in a more favorable state.

Don't demand too much of yourself.

The Void of Course Moon is not the ideal time to pressure yourself to achieve high productivity goals. Accept that your pace may be slower and that this is perfectly normal. You can avoid frustration and emotional exhaustion by giving yourself space to relax.

Avoid excessive dependencies

Since the Void of Course Moon can affect interaction reliability, it is wise not to rely too heavily on others to fulfill commitments or achieve goals. Have a backup plan in case things don't go as expected.

Beware of impulse purchases

This period is known for bringing a lack of clarity, which can result in impulsive decisions that you may later regret, especially when it comes to significant purchases. Wait until the Moon is more stable to make critical financial decisions.

Avoid starting big projects

Starting a new venture or making important decisions during the Void of Course Moon can be risky. The scattered energy of this period can result in unexpected obstacles or unsatisfactory results. It is best to wait for a more opportune moment.

Remember that the effects of the Void of Course Moon can vary depending on your Birth Chart, so take note of how this period affects you personally and adjust your activities accordingly.

Additionally, we recommend exploring the Lunar Cycle, an essential tool for monitoring the influences of the Moon's phases throughout the year and identifying opportunities and challenges in each period.  


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sábado março 29, 2025 | 10:11