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What is the Zodiac Sign for each month?

The Zodiac sign for each month was defined in antiquity, during the creation of Astrology

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The Zodiac Signs are regions of the Ecliptic reference system that are not associated with astronomical constellations. Each sign has exactly 30 degrees in the ecliptic and therefore, will always represent 1/12 of the celestial sphere.

All celestial bodies between these two defined meridians will be in a particular “celestial sector of a sign”.

This is a basic introduction to the study of astrology, and the deeper you delve into the study, the more interesting things you will discover.

You can do that by browsing through the numerous posts on the site, checking out your Birth Chart, and interacting with other tools that cover the entire celestial realm.

For now, in this article, we will only contemplate the solar signs, in case you are navigating the most basic question, which is about the sign of each month.

As there are 12 months in the year, its natural that you may get confused about what the solar sign of each month is. That is, the exact moment the Sun enters the sector of a certain sign, which starts at zero degrees and goes up to 29:59 before moving on to the next.

Moreover, you may have noticed that, depending on the year, the dates of the Sun's entry into the signs can vary. And more: that a sign begins around the 19th of each month until the 22nd, depending on the case — and not on the 1st, as in our traditional calendar.

If you wonder why this happens or why many people who have birthdays between these transition days can get confused thinking they are one sign, but in reality, they might be another, continue reading.

We will explain what the signs are for each month, why the dates of the signs undergo these variations, how the positions work, and what the difference is between the solar sign, the lunar sign, and the rising sign. Good discovery!

What is the Zodiac Sign for each month in 2025?

As we mentioned, the dates below can vary each year, due to the natural movement of the sun. There are small variations between the years that cause the Sun to enter the sector of each sign on the ecliptic at different times or even days each year.

The information below considers the UTC/GMT time zone, so for other locations, it is necessary to adjust according to the time difference.

  • Aquarius: January 19, at 08:00 PM
  • Pisces: February 18, at 10:07 AM
  • Aries: March 20, at 09:02 AM (Spring Equinox)
  • Taurus: April 19, at 07:56 PM
  • Gemini: May 20, at 06:55 PM
  • Cancer: June 21, at 02:42 AM (Summer Solstice)
  • Leo: July 22, at 01:30 PM
  • Virgo: August 22, at 08:34 PM
  • Libra: September 22, at 06:20 PM (Autumnal Equinox)
  • Scorpio: October 23, at 03:51 AM
  • Sagittarius: November 22, at 01:36 AM
  • Capricorn: December 21, at 03:03 PM (Winter Solstice)

How was the Zodiac Sign for each month defined?

The Zodiac sign for each month was defined in antiquity, during the creation of Astrology and the beginnings of the study.

Ancient men dedicated themselves to analyzing the movement of celestial bodies — in this case, the planets — as they began to notice cyclic correspondences that occurred on Earth with certain positions and transits of the stars.

At this time, viewing the sky was something to be contemplated in all its splendor of colors and luminous points. This is very different from today, where due to light pollution and other factors, in most places in large cities, we can no longer see the great celestial tapestry that we find when looking up.

During these observations, they realized that the apparent path that the Sun takes around the Earth, as well as the other planets, is carried out in the same Ecliptic. The name given to the celestial band where the astrological signs are located. This created zodiacs, which are nothing more than calendars of cyclical events, things that repeat.

Before we continue, it is important to make a brief pause: in Astrology, we consider that the Earth is at the center of observations. This happens because astrological interpretations are given in relation to our standpoint, the way we observe the solar system.

“We do not need to send man into outer space, nor take him out of his country or his house to subject him to cosmic influences. Man is always at the center of the Universe, given that the Universe is everywhere.” Professor Giorgio Piccardi

Earth in its ecliptic

Moreover, the 12-sign Zodiac is not the only one that exists. In ancient times, there were other types of zodiacs, where one of the most famous had only 8 signs. These signs were iconographed to recognize the period and events of the seasons in their primitive civilizations.

This division has little to do with the movement of the solar star and almost no relation with the constellations, although there are important and historical explanations on this point, which we will talk about later.

In these studies, it was possible to notice that the influences of the stars are cyclical. That is, every year, the Sun passes through the same points in the sky, more or less on the same dates, demonstrating a solid way of marking time, as well as other stars that followed their cycles at different times.

While the Sun takes 1 year to travel the entire ecliptic, the Moon, for example, makes this same journey 13 times a year. Jupiter takes 12 years to travel through all the signs.

Consequently, it was noticed that the beginning of the new seasons always coincided with the entry of the Sun into the sector of the cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

In addition, its regular trajectory, which moves a little less than 1 degree a day, marks the 30 days of residence in each sign.

In this way, the signs were defined based on the solar movements and not necessarily based on the constellations. However, it is important to open another parenthesis for contextualization.

In addition to the movements of rotation and translation of the Earth around the Sun, it performs another much more subtle movement, called Nutation, in which it rotates around its own axis. This movement takes about 26,000 years to complete, so its perception is so subtle.

nutation movement of the earth

However, nutation causes our perception of the solar system today to be slightly different from the perception that the ancients had 4,000 years ago when they began to make the first notes about planetary movements.

For example, around March 21st, when day and night have the same duration, marking the Spring Equinox, corresponding to the beginning of the expression of the sign of Aries.

At this moment, we understand that the Sun would be at 0 degrees of Aries. However, when looking at the Sun on this day, you will see that it is located in the constellation of Pisces. Thus, the astrological sign and the astronomical constellation are not the same thing.

Therefore, we can see that the differentiation of the 12 signs has little relation to the astronomical constellations. Although in the past the planetary movements aligned perfectly with the main constellations (those that determined the beginning of each season of the year). It was not based on this fact that the Zodiac signs were defined but by analyzing the cyclic and regular solar movement and its correspondences with earthly events, mainly in nature.

See below how the division of the Zodiacal band is:

zodiac division of each sign

Why can the dates of the signs change?

The Sun's rotation around the Earth was calculated at 360° degrees, indicating that the Sun would move 1 degree per day, but we have 365 days in the year.

However, in reality, the Sun moves 00°59’08’’ degrees per day — which means it takes 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 47 seconds to complete the journey in the Zodiac.

Because of this, we have the existence of leap years — every 4 years, we gain an extra day to complete the remaining 6 hours from the previous years. That said, the solar step is constant, but not exact according to our calendar because we make constant adjustments to keep the calendar in sync with the solar movement.

Thus, every year, the Sun enters a new sign at a different time, being 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 47 seconds earlier than it entered the previous year. And as we adjust February 29th to "fix" this difference in the solar movement, this small change in time does not change more than a day.

For example, there are years when the Sun enters Aries on March 20th and years when it enters on March 21st. As every 4 years, we always have the leap year, this day returns to its “original” configuration.

With this, if you were born on the day of a sign change (usually around the 21st of each month). It is important to pay attention to your time of birth, to know if in that year, the Sun had already entered the new sign or not.

Make your Birth Chart and clear all your doubts about this.

Characteristics of the Zodiac Sign for each month

Now that you know what the sign is for each month and how this definition was established, we will present some basic characteristics of each solar sign according to Astrology, but know that this is just a very vague summary. There is an ocean of information to be navigated, and it is recommended that you do so according to your time and desire to delve deeper.

These characteristics are general, as each person has a unique combination of personality traits determined by the configuration of their complete birth chart. The chart considers not only the sun sign but also other planetary positions, houses, and planetary aspects — the way the planets are arranged and interacting with each other in the chart.

Aries Sign: March 21 to April 20

Aries, a Fire element sign, is characterized by energy, impulsiveness, and enthusiasm. Thus, people born in this period are generally known for their courage, independence, and strong willpower for achievement. Every so often, this energy can be accompanied by a need for domination, lack of patience, and aggressiveness.

Learn more about the personality and characteristics of the Aries sign.

Taurus Sign: April 21 to May 20

The sign of Taurus, an Earth element, is characterized by determination, stability, and sensuality. People born in this period are known for being practical, patient, and reliable, and for valuing security and stability in all areas of their life. In some situations, they may appear stubborn and inflexible.

Learn more about the personality and characteristics of the Taurus sign.

Gemini Sign: May 21 to June 20

Gemini, an Air element sign, is characterized by versatility, curiosity, and sociability. Those born under this sign usually stand out for their ease of communication and mental agility. However, due to their restless nature, always seeking stimuli and varied information, they may appear superficial or scattered.

Learn more about the personality and characteristics of the Gemini sign.

Cancer Sign: June 21 to July 22

Sensitivity, intuition, and emotional care are among the main characteristics of the Cancer sign. With strong intuition, they can capture emotional nuances and perceive subtle needs. On the other hand, this sensitivity can make those of the Cancer sign more vulnerable and prone to retreat into an emotional cocoon when they feel threatened.

Learn more about the personality and characteristics of the Cancer sign.

Leo Sign: July 23 to August 22

The Leo sign is characterized by generosity, leadership, and self-confidence, as well as a natural ability to motivate and inspire those around them. However, they can also be somewhat dominating and egocentric in their pursuit of success and prominence.

Learn more about the personality and characteristics of the Leo sign.

Virgo Sign: August 23 to September 22

Virgo, an Earth element sign, is characterized by attention to detail, organization, precision, and pursuit of perfection. Those of the Virgo sign generally have a sharp mind and analytical skills. On the other hand, Virgo can be too idealistic and seek a utopian concept of perfection.

Learn more about the personality and characteristics of the Virgo sign.

Libra Sign: September 23 to October 22

Libra seeks harmony, balance, and justice. Being an Air element sign, Libra has a diplomatic and friendly nature, always seeking cooperation in their relationships. Therefore, they are skilled at mediating conflicts and finding balanced solutions. However, due to their tendency to avoid conflicts, those of the Libra sign may be indecisive in certain situations.

Learn more about the personality and characteristics of the Libra sign.

Scorpio Sign: October 23 to November 21

The Scorpio sign, a Water element, is characterized by intensity, passion, and emotional depth. Moreover, those born under this sign are determined and courageous, with an ability to connect deeply with others and understand the emotions and motivations behind their actions. However, emotional intensity can make those of the Scorpio sign possessive and jealous in their relationships.

Learn more about the personality and characteristics of the Scorpio sign.

Sagittarius Sign: November 22 to December 21

Expansiveness, optimism, enthusiasm, and a thirst for adventure are prominent characteristics of the Sagittarius sign, which is a Fire element. Furthermore, people of this sign tend to be independent, sincere, and persuasive. Although their sincerity and honesty are admirable traits of the Sagittarius sign, they can sometimes cause hurt due to their characteristic impulsiveness.

Learn more about the personality and characteristics of the Sagittarius sign.

Capricorn Sign: December 22 to January 20

The Capricorn sign, an Earth element, is characterized by ambition, determination, and discipline. Known for their hardworking and focused nature, they are very responsible and committed to their work and plans. Although those of the Capricorn sign may appear reserved or serious, they have a subtle sense of humor.

Learn more about the personality and characteristics of the Capricorn sign.

Aquarius Sign: January 21 to February 19

Originality, independence, and a progressive vision are some characteristics of the Aquarius sign, which is an Air element. Those born in this period often stand out for their unconventional approach to life and innovative minds. They are creative and visionary people who value freedom. On the other hand, they may appear emotionally distant.

Learn more about the personality and characteristics of the Aquarius sign.

Pisces Sign: February 19 to March 20

Those born under the Pisces sign are characterized by sensitivity, empathy, and imagination. Moreover, they tend to be very sensitive to the emotions of others, with a natural ability to connect and deeply understand the people around them. On the other hand, this heightened sensitivity can make those of the Pisces sign susceptible to negative influences from the environment or the people they interact with.

Learn more about the personality and characteristics of the Pisces sign.

Beyond the Sun Sign

So far, we have only talked about the sun sign. You have learned a bit more about what the sign is for each month and how this definition was made, as well as having a general overview of the characteristics of each sign.

However, it is important to keep in mind that a person's characteristics and personality are not limited to their sun sign. The analysis of the Moon Sign (very significant, which together with the Sun is part of what is called the luminaries of a birth chart), the Ascendant Sign, and the composition of a complete astrological chart. These are essential for those seeking self-knowledge and a more satisfactory understanding of their being.

Below, you will find a brief explanation of the Moon Sign and Rising Sign.

Moon Sign

Similar to the Sun, the Moon also has a quite regular rhythm, but much quicker. The Moon travels about 13 degrees of the Zodiac per day, staying only 2 days and 4 hours in each sign.

To define the Moon Sign, it is essential to understand not only the day but also the time of your birth because every two and a half days the Moon changes signs. If you happened to be born on the day of this change — and the chances are ⅔ — your moon sign may vary.

Moreover, as we have previously discussed, planetary positions are mathematically calculated by astronomers and astrologers throughout history and do not exactly represent the description of celestial constellations. Therefore, understanding your Moon Sign means understanding in which position the Moon will be within the Zodiac, which was dimensioned according to the movements of the Sun.

To find out what your moon sign is, create your Birth Chart on Astrolink.

Rising Sign

The Rising sign represents the sign that was rising in the east, on the horizon, at the location where you were born. The total cycle of the rising sign lasts only 24 hours, allocating only 2 hours per sign. This is because it is determined, like the other astrological houses, from the position of the Sun.

Therefore, at 6 in the morning, the Sun is rising on the horizon, at noon, it is in the Midheaven (MC). At 6 p.m., it is setting, in the Descendant, and at midnight it is shining on the other side of the planet, in this case, in the Imum Coeli (IC). As shown in the figure below.

Suppose someone was born at noon, with the Sun in Aries. In this case, the Sun of this person will be in the Midheaven of their Birth Chart and on the horizon, probably the sign of Cancer will be rising, marking their rising sign.

In another example, if a person is born around 6 in the morning, they will have their Sun and Rising in the same sign, at the moment the sun was rising on the horizon.

How to know the rising sign in the astral chart

Thus, to determine the Rising sign, we need two pieces of information: the time and your location, as your horizon can vary depending on the position where you are on planet Earth.

In the previous example, in the case of birth at noon, the variation of the birth location could influence by marking an Ascendant in Cancer or Leo, depending on the latitude and longitude where you are on Earth.

As astrology is based on our point of reference, your location at the time of your birth also becomes very relevant to your story. Because this dictates your way of interpreting facts, something very characteristic of the Ascendant sign.

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sábado fevereiro 22, 2025 | 17:36