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Retrograde Planets in 2024

Learn what to expect from each of the retrograde planets in 2024.

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In the year 2024, we will experience 6 retrograde planets. On the list are Mercury — which goes retrograde 3 to 4 times a year — along with Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Mars.

Contrary to what many believe, retrograde planets do not necessarily indicate moments of chaos, where everything goes wrong. Fortunately, right? Especially since, in 2024, we will have at least one retrograde planet in each month of the year!

Check out the dates for the retrograde and direct stations in 2024, along with their meanings and what to expect from each period.

This article uses UTC/GMT time for all listed times. To match these times to your local time zone, you'll need to adjust them accordingly. For example, if you're located in the western part of the USA, subtract 8 hours from the times mentioned here. However, if you're in the eastern part of the USA, you should subtract only 5 hours. This adjustment ensures that the times align accurately with your specific location.

Retrograde Planets Dates in 2024

Retrograde planets dates

What are retrograde planets?

Before continuing with the explanations, it's worth revisiting an important concept in this content. Do you know what retrograde planets are?

The retrogradation movement is a concept derived from the field of Astronomy. It does not imply that the planet is reversing, but rather that it is gaining closer to Earth, thereby creating the appearance of a distinct movement from our perspective.

It is a myth that things will necessarily go wrong during these periods. According to some astrologers, this apparent change in the movement of the stars can indicate a phase where it is important to pay attention to the themes governed by them.

See, in the image below, how the movement of retrograde planets will be in 2024:


Mercúrio retrógrado em 2024Mercury Retrograde in 2024

In 2024, we will have 3 periods of Mercury retrograde — one less than in 2023! In fact, the year already starts with Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn, beginning on December 13 and resuming direct movement on January 2 in Sagittarius.

Then, we will have Mercury retrograde on the following dates:

- Between 04/01/2024 and 04/25/2024: Mercury Retrograde in Aries
- Between 08/05/2024 and 08/28/2024: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo/Leo
- Between 11/26/2024 and 12/15/2024: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius

Among various correspondences, Mercury in Astrology is the planet associated with communications, travel, information transmission, and our reasoning. Therefore, during retrograde periods, some astrologers suggest being careful with misunderstandings, serious decisions, files, and electronic devices, as there is an increased possibility of unforeseen issues related to these topics.

✅ Review some things in your life: this recommendation applies to agreements, contracts, relationships, conversations, and situations.
❎ Avoid acting impulsively and think carefully before speaking and making decisions.

SaturnoSaturn Retrograde in 2024

- Between 06/29/2024 and 11/15/2024: Saturn retrograde in Pisces

In Astrology, Saturn is the planet associated with discipline, demands, responsibilities, time management, and our limitations. These are the themes that will need more attention throughout this retrogradation.

Obligations may become heavier, and challenges harder. Be prepared to face this without giving up.

✅ Focus on what you need to do now to prepare for the future.
❎ Don't be anchored to what's been accomplished so far, as things can change.


Jupiter Retrograde in 2024

- Between 10/09/2024 and 02/04/2025: Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini

In Astrology, Jupiter is the planet associated with “something extra,” higher education, justice, and generally, expansion in all sectors. Therefore, these are the areas that will need more care. It's important to review each point and avoid excesses, as this is also the planet of expansion.

✅ Evaluate your personal progress and see where it is possible to evolve.
❎ Avoid expansive attitudes and excesses.


Mars Retrograde in 2024

- Between 12/06/2024 and 02/24/2025: Mars retrograde in Leo

Among the retrograde planets in 2024, besides Mercury, Mars is the only other personal planet to retrograde this year, which may make its influence more noticeable in our daily lives.

Mars goes retrograde in Leo on 12/06, and resumes its direct movement only in 2025, specifically on 02/24.

Leo is a sign ruled by the fire element, associated with creative expression, confidence, and leadership, while Mars is the planet of action, passion, and energy. When Mars is retrograde in Leo, there can be a feeling that this sign's vital energy and natural assertiveness are directed more internally, either in a reflective or explosive way.

A possible influence of Mars Retrograde in 2024 is the feeling of needing to reevaluate your goals, passions, and ambitions. This can result in a period of self-reflection, where people seek to direct their energy more authentically and significantly, ending the year of 2024 with a special touch.

✅ Think carefully before taking action, take things slow and be patient.
❎ Avoid taking thoughtless and unusual actions.

Venus Retrograde in 2024

We will not have Venus retrograde in 2024; the planet will remain in direct motion throughout the year.

Urano, Netuno e Plutão

Generational Planets

The retrogradation of generational planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) may not be as noticeable personally. Since they are very far from Earth and remain in retrograde motion for a long period.

Thus, the tendency is that only people with placements at the same degrees as the retrogradations will feel the influences more noticeably.

To better understand, let's take an example from the list of retrograde planets in 2024. Pluto begins its retrogradation cycle on 05/02, at 02°06' in Aquarius, and ends the movement at 29°38' in Capricorn.

In this case, you may feel the influences of Pluto Retrograde more noticeably if you have in your Birth Chart any planet between the degrees of 29° of Capricorn and 2° of Aquarius.


Even though we're talking about planetary generations, it's important to keep in mind that this heightened influence also applies to other retrograde planets in 2024. Thus, observing the degree of retrogradation is always interesting for a deeper understanding of the moment.

Pluto Retrograde in 2024

- From 05/02/2024 to 10/12/2024: Pluto retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

Pluto, the planet associated with deep transformations and reforms, is part of the group of generational planets and will spend a good part of the year in retrogradation. This is because Pluto retrograde in 2024 starts on May 2 in Aquarius and only resumes direct movement on October 12 in Capricorn.

During this period, those with planets between the degrees of 29° of Capricorn and 2° of Aquarius, where the retrogradation occurs, may feel that internal and interpersonal relationship issues resurface. Additionally, pay attention to the issues governed by the planet that will receive Pluto's visit (for example, if you have the Moon at 1° of Aquarius) because that area in your life may start undergoing transformation. It's a good time to seek solutions for them through therapy and self-knowledge.

Furthermore, Pluto retrograde may indicate some trends for our society, intensifying tensions during this period.

✅ Seek self-knowledge and don't be afraid of change.
❎ Be careful with deep emotions that may surface unexpectedly.

Neptune Retrograde in 2024

- Between 07/02/2024 and 12/07/2024: Neptune retrograde in Pisces

Neptune will spend most of 2024 retrograde in Pisces, between the degrees of 27° to 29°.

Being a planet associated with spirituality, intuition, dreams, and creativity, Neptune's retrogradation may manifest more internally in those with important placements in these degrees, particularly with the presence of the Sun, Moon, or Venus, leading to spiritual and emotional reflections.

✅ Pay attention to differentiate illusion from reality.
✅ Keep your feet on the ground and think twice before being carried away by ideas or situations that seem too good to be true.


Uranus Retrograde in 2024

- Between 09/01/2024 and 01/30/2025: Uranus retrograde in Taurus

The year 2024 already starts inheriting a Uranus retrogradation, which began on 08/29/2023 and ends on 01/27/2024.

Uranus is the planet associated with innovation, originality, and breaking pre-established patterns. Those with placements at the same degrees of Uranus Retrograde in 2024 (from 23° to 27° in Taurus) may feel a call to start an internal journey searching for self-discovery and freedom. With an emphasis on the need for balance between innovation and stability.

✅ Explore individuality, creativity, and authenticity.
✅ Consider the consequences of taking impulsive actions.

As you can see, we will have many cycles of retrograde planets in 2024. You can understand each influence in a personalized way by saving this table and always consulting your Birth Chart.


The sky now...

quarta-feira fevereiro 26, 2025 | 13:56