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Mars and sexual energy in each zodiac sign

Discover how Mars influences each sign in sex

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Want to know how this information can affect your life?

In Astrology, Mars is known as the planet of desire and sex. Depending on its position in a Birth Chart, it can indicate how a person tends to behave in relationships and bed, representing desire, drive, and the force of passion.

In this sense, it acts differently from Venus, which is about reception, affective capacity, and attraction. However, they are complementary energies: Yang ~ Yin, Masculine ~ Feminine, Active ~ Reactive.

Mars, in sex, thrives on action, movement, and attitude, delighting in the intensity of intimacy and desire.

Want to know more about how Mars can influence a person's sexual energy? Keep reading to find out!

What is the meaning of Mars in the Birth Chart?

The position of Mars in the Birth Chart can give clues about what is exciting, what turns a person on, and how they might act and react in intimate moments with a partner.

By looking at the sign Mars is in within a Birth Chart, it is possible to recognize and spice things up in the bedroom, see what tricks the person uses during the act, and get good feedback on the best approach for success.

Venus in the signs can have a similar connotation and even interact as a sensual combo: analyzing Mars and Venus in the signs increases the chances of having mixed emotions about love and sex!

These are just some of the many possibilities, as other astrological indicators and a person's unique personality can indeed paint the ideal scenario.

How do I know where Mars is in my Birth Chart?

On Astrolink, a straightforward way to find out where Mars is in your Birth Chart is by asking Orbia. Orbia is the artificial intelligence of Astrolink, which provides easy-to-understand answers about any aspect of your Birth Chart. To access it, register on the site.

Besides, you can discover the position of Mars and how it influences your sexual energy by looking at your Birth Chart. Follow these steps:

  1. Access your free Birth Chart on Astrolink. If you still need to get a login, create one. You will need some data, such as your date, time, and place of birth.
  2. In your Birth Chart, locate the symbol of Mars ♂.
  3. The sign in which Mars is positioned is your natal Mars.
  4. Also, observe which astrological house Mars is in.
  5. In the Birth Chart itself, you can read interpretations about the influence of Mars on sex.

It doesn't hurt to play around and look at a possible preview!

Discover below some nuances of ♂ Mars in intimate moments:

Mars in Fire Signs: Exploring Action...

Enthusiasm, fun, courage...

Mars in Aries ♈: this is the Mars that probably initiated extreme sports. With the potential to be bolder, more adventurous, and addicted to taking risks, they tend to love moments of lust and add a touch of competition to the formula. Their direct nature can be tempered by softer moments, though they generally appreciate more the moments of frenzy, with clothes flying and nails scratching.

Mars in Leo ♌: Mars in Leo needs to be loved, appreciated, or praised. They may love playing various roles, with grand and exuberant gestures in their love life, including a touch of drama. They tend to feel more secure having intimate relations in front of an audience - but be careful with homemade videos! You can also expect some notable performances from Mars in Leo. At the very least, their affectionate heart and generous spirit will simultaneously provide loving and stimulating moments.

Mars in Sagittarius ♐: Laughter can be the best medicine, and for Mars in Sagittarius, it can also be the best aphrodisiac! While others may be offended if there is laughter and joking during caresses, this one will probably embark on the joke with renewed gusto and enthusiasm. Courageous, adventurous, and ready for anything, this Mars has a great appetite when it comes to sex and the arts of love.

Mars in Earth Signs: Exploring the Body...

Sensory focus, strength, control...

Mars in Taurus ♉: always connected to the Earth and the senses, and with a more direct and tactile approach, Mars in Taurus tends to appreciate a certain predictability in their life between the sheets. Music, massage oils, and flavors can help provide familiar security without falling into a routine. Some people with Mars in Taurus might even prefer a good massage, foreplay, and many sensual touches instead of the sexual act itself, relegating this to after these tactile and sensory experiences. This planet/sign combination usually tolerates having intimate adventures somewhere in nature, although they prefer a private, isolated, and calm place where they won't be seen.

Mars in Virgo ♍: for Mars in Virgo, what matters are the details. They generally appreciate full attention during sexual acts, which should start with small touches, as if the person is carefully exploring and discovering a new body in all its details. They love to please, showing much understanding and skill in what is most exciting and effective in satisfying their partner. They also tend to appreciate eroticism itself, as well as some fantasy or fetish realization. Dirty sex or with a lot of saliva might have some appeal, or even something simpler, like playing in a different location, like a weekend at an inn. Just include some special programming to excite Mars in Virgo, who tends to be aware of everything happening at the moment.

Mars in Capricorn ♑: Mars in Capricorn tends to be patient and persistent, able to perform for long periods without needing a break. Like the other Earth signs, providing a natural setting for passionate interludes is a welcome gesture. Their desire can build slowly, so don't expect a lot of quick and immediate action, but once activated, it lasts for substantial periods and knows what it's doing. Dominance and submission play can also be welcome.

Mars in Air Signs: Exploring the Mind...

Communication, innovation, mental stimulation...

Mars in Gemini ♊: the old phone sex was probably invented by someone with Mars in Gemini, who can take advantage of all this communicative and light inspiration to discover new ways to excite their partner through words and whispers. When this Mars is imbued with Gemini energy, be prepared for a lot of versatility in intimate moments, inspiring, exciting and fun moments.

Mars in Libra ♎: Mars in Libra tends to be more balanced, appreciating sex as an intrinsic part of romance, a delicious main course at the relationship party. Creating beauty, harmony, and an atmosphere of serenity as a backdrop in intimate moments can please those with this Mars. They are very good at hiding anger, so paying extra attention to subtle clues is essential to know what they like or dislike. Fetishes and toys can also have strong appeal.

Mars in Aquarius ♒: air signs can be pretty versatile in moments of pleasure. The tendency of Mars in Aquarius might be to want to try new positions and concepts and explore the limits of love and sex, inspiring unique dynamism in these private moments with their partner and having a more open mind to the various possibilities together, with a lot of freedom and unusual and different moments.

Mars in Water Signs: Exploring Emotions...

Intuition, care, nurturing, perception...

Mars in Cancer ♋: connecting with Mars in Cancer in an emotional way can make them open up to you and excite them. An emotional aspect must be added to the act, not just a sensual one. Sleeping together can make these natives happier with the connection, so making the most of intimate moments will yield great results. Slowly is always better: eye contact, gentle caresses, and intense and impactful kisses will help even more.

Mars in Scorpio ♏: a passionate and intense approach produces an equally powerful response. Subtle energies that start long before any physical contact are the most pleasant foreplay for Mars in Scorpio, who enjoys a good atmosphere and eye contact. They have an intuitive sense of how to please and know exactly what they like, with great magnetism. This connection is deep and intense if you can pick up on their non-verbal cues and trust your instincts.

Mars in Pisces ♓: weaving a magical narrative in which both embark at the right moment can leave Mars in Pisces wanting more, curious to know what happens next in the sexy story. Mars in Pisces responds particularly well when music and atmosphere are added to the menu during intimate moments, appreciating gentle touches and exploring the full potential of the moment with a lot of sensitivity, giving themselves entirely to their partner. Sleeping in a cuddled position is also an excellent post-action option.

So, did you enjoy learning a bit more about the influences of Mars in sex? Know that it is not the only star related to sexual behavior. Check out our content on sexuality and astrology to better understand the influence of each planet on this area of life.


The sky now...

sábado março 29, 2025 | 10:23